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School Uniform

School Uniform Guidance

School uniform is well established at Breadalbane Academy supporting our positive school ethos whilst allowing us to develop our school values of Belonging, Believing, Aspiring and Achieving for every pupil.  

Primary Pupils

Black skirts and trousers for all primary pupils

Primary 1 – Primary 3 will retain the blue polo shirts and navy sweatshirts with school logo. There will be an option to wear a white shirt and black tie with house stripe. A cardigan option will be offered for girls.

Primary 4 – Primary 7 will change to white shirts and black ties with house stripe and logos. These have been ordered and will hopefully be available at the end of the holidays from the school reception. Black round neck or V-neck jumpers with school logo. A cardigan option will be offered for girls.

Gym T-shirts to be included in house colours with school house on the back.

The option to purchase a school jacket will be included.

School ties can be purchased from campus reception as can reading bags. Other items of school uniform can be ordered from

Secondary Pupils

Our school uniform includes the following items:

  • Plain black footwear (including plain black training shoes)
  • Black trousers (including plain black denims),  black skirt or black leggings.
  • White shirt or blouse
  • School tie
  • Plain black jumper or cardigan

Some of the items deemed not to meet our school uniform requirements include:

  • Hoodies
  • Coloured trainers
  • Coloured jumpers


It has been agreed that school blazers (with braid) will be worn by all prefects and house captains. Blazers (without braid) are available as an option for all other pupils.

Blazers can be purchased here


If a pupil is in school without school uniform then the parents/guardians will be the notified by text message. If the problem is persistent then contact home will be made by the pupils Guidance Teacher.

If a pupil has forgotten their school tie then a temporary replacement can be borrowed from the school office with a deposit being left to ensure it is returned at the end of the day.  Other items of uniform may also be available.

Clothing Grants

Financial assistance is available to support with the purchasing of school uniform in the form of a clothing grant.  For further information, and an application form, please Click Here